4th of July in Miami


4th of July in Miami

Who doesn’t enjoy a great cookout, the beach or pool and awesome fireworks on the 4th of July? Like other all-American cities around this great country, Miami’s 4th of July celebration promises not to disappoint. If you’re looking for things to do around Miami this 4th of July, have a look at this link here. Let’s get ready to have a great weekend with Miami 4th of July fun!

Safety First

Above all else, the Traffic Ticket Office wants to make sure you have a very safe 4th of July celebration together with your friends and family. The American Red Cross has issued a series of warnings to help keep you safe throughout the weekend. Please have a look at these on this link here.

Traffic Safety on the 4th of July

As the Fourth of July approaches, AAA has reported highway travel will include aproximately 44.2 million people. Drive with caution. Leave yourself extra time given accidents and congestion may delay you. Chances of a car accident nearly triple when driving in traffic because drivers are not aware they should be cautious and follow the speed limit signs.

Do not drive impaired. This is important especially knowing most events held during Independence Day involve alcohol consumption. If you are planning on consuming alcohol, have a designated driver. Alternatives such as Uber and Lyft are applications you should have on your smartphone. They are easy to use and will help you arrive safely back at your destination for the evening.

Additionally, do not text and drive – ever. Not only during holidays, but in general, distracted driving is common. Miami is a vibrant city with many distractions. Stay aware.

Have Fun but be Safe

Independence Day involves fireworks and celebrations where some drivers may stop on the side of the road to watch them or take pictures in traffic. Please be mindful When driving on residential streets remain conscious of people on the streets setting off their own fireworks. There may be children or even stray animals running around.  The Am

Why Call the Traffic Ticket Office?

On the 4th of July or anytime, The Traffic Ticket Office helps you resolve your traffic ticket issues. We have over 25 years experience. We handle cases dealing with all sorts of Miami traffic violations. From speeding tickets, red light violations, DUI’s, suspended licenses, we can help you. We are even successful helping habitual offenders keep their licenses. Because of this, we know how to best represent your particular situation. As a result, we will clear your driver’s license.

The Traffic Ticket Office assists you in finding simple and affordable solutions keep you driving. Our traffic attorneys have helped thousands of clients protect themselves from both the financial and practical burdens traffic tickets can cause. Allow us to represent you. Have an experienced Miami traffic ticket lawyer fight on your behalf.

Call 305-LAW-FIRM (305-529-3476) today for your free consultation.

So, remember, STOP! Don’t Pay That Ticket!