Don’t Pay that Ticket
Stop! Don’t Pay That Ticket!
Don’t pay that ticket! The attorneys at the Traffic Ticket Office counsel you to never ever, under any circumstances pay any type of traffic violation or citation issued to you. Just, Don’t Pay That Ticket!
It’s simple….your paying that ticket is an admission of guilt. An admission of guilt implies you are guilty of said violation. In this case, not only are you subject to having to pay a hefty ticket or violation cost, but perhaps even worse, your insurance rate will increase as points will be assessed to your driver’s record. This consequence could add 7 years of much costlier insurance rates to your good record.
Don’t pay that Miami speeding ticket or Miami traffic violation! For $69, the Traffic Ticket Office, also known as the ticket clinic 103rd street, will represent you in court and handle the matter for you. Our knowledgeable attorneys will navigate any type of traffic ticket violation you receive and take your stress and worry away. Why would you attempt to represent yourself in court? We have over 25 years of experience handling cases dealing with all sorts of Miami traffic violations including speeding tickets, red light violations, DUI’s, suspended licenses, toll violations, etc., We are even successful helping habitual offenders keep their licenses despite consistent violations. We know how to best represent your particular situation with the judge or magistrate in order to help you.
What Call the Traffic Ticket Office
The Traffic Ticket Office assists clients in finding a simple and affordable solution to keep them on the road as well as maintaining a clean driving record. Our traffic attorneys have helped thousands of clients protect themselves from both the financial and practical burdens traffic tickets can cause. Allow us to represent you. Having an experienced lawyer fight your Miami traffic ticket has the potential of preventing many frustrations and hassles.
So, remember, STOP! Don’t Pay That Ticket!