DUI Miami
Alcohol and Drunk Driving
Drunk driving is one of the most common causes of road accidents. It does not only put the driver’s life at risk but it also puts the lives of the passengers as well as pedestrians in a dangerous situation. Drunk driving almost always warrants costs– the cost of property and personal damages, the cost of DUI tickets and fines, the cost of court trials and it may even cost your job. A DUI Miami offense could severely hurt your driving record.
Driving under the influence of alcohol: How it affects you
Drinking too much alcohol even within our threshold levels is risky if you still need to drive back home. So how does alcohol impair our system?
- Alcohol slows brain functions so you can’t react quickly enough in a dangerous situation;
- It reduces the ability to judge how fast you are moving or your distance from other cars, people, or objects;
- Alcohol gives you false confidence, which makes you think you’re driving better than you actually are;
- Alcohol reduces your ability to focus on the road and multitask, such as looking straight ahead while using your peripheral vision to watch for pedestrians; and
- Alcohol makes you feel sleepy or tired.
Read more of these HERE.
Even if you avoid an accident when driving under the influence of alcohol, there are other consequences you have to face if you are caught driving under the influence (DUI). The most common of these are listed below:
1. Arrested and Booked
2. Appear in Court
3. Lose Your Driver’s License
4. Pay a Fine
5. Go to Jail
6. Complete the Terms of Probation
7. Go to Drunk Driving School
8. Undergo Alcohol Evaluation
9. Pay Higher Auto Insurance
10. Install an Ignition Interlock Device
Your Defense Against DUI Charges
DUI is a serious offense and could affect your future. An expert advice is needed when challenging a DUI charge so you can move forward in the right direction and achieve positive results. At Traffic Ticket Office, our highly experienced attorneys handle these everyday. Call us at 305-LAW-FIRM for a free consultation.
Why Hire the Traffic Ticket Office?
Having an experienced traffic attorney represent you on all types of Miami traffic tickets is important. The Traffic Ticket Office will help keep the points off your driver’s license to avoid possible license suspension. Many defenses and legal arguments are available to our staff of experienced and court trained Attorneys at The Traffic Ticket Office. We have successfully defended thousands of traffic cases in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Call us today at (305) LAW-FIRM (529-3476). Or, come visit us at 720 NW 103 Street, Miami, FL 33150. You have nothing to lose and have no obligation.