Halloween safety tips

Halloween safety tips

Halloween is this coming Tuesday.  Are you prepared?

Here are some Halloween safety tips to keep in mind as you’re out trick or treating with your kids.  Make sure to follow these to ensure a safe holiday.

reprinted from Improvements.com

10 Trick or Treat Safety Tips:

  1. Go During Safe Trick Or Treat Times
    You don’t have to wait until it is pitch-black outside to go trick-or-treating. A good trick or treat time is right after an early dinner and just before dusk when you can keep better track of your children and you are able to see the others that you encounter on the street. Besides, if you are the first person there, you will have the best selection of candy!
  2. Steer Clear Of Masks
    While masks are a fun part of many costumes, do your best to recreate the mask with face paint. Having a mask on can sometimes impair the vision of the child wearing it.
  3. Be Visible
    If your kids will comply, choose costumes that are brightly colored so that they are easier to see in the dark. If they really want a dark costume, apply some reflective strips to their costume. You could also have them wear glow necklaces or carry glow sticks and flashlights.
  4. Never Go Alone
    It is important that your children have an adult chaperon at all times while trick or treating. You should also discreetly add some emergency identification information such as the child’s name, address & phone number to their costume or on a bracelet in case your child happens to get separated from the group.
  5. Walking Tips
    Be sure that your children understand simple traffic rules, such as stopping and looking both ways before crossing the street, and staying in a crosswalk if one is available. If you have to cross at a light, make sure you have the proper “walk” signal before you proceed. Inform your children that they should never assume that they have the right away when crossing the street, especially at night on Halloween.
  6. Knock On Doors That You Know
    Encourage your children to only trick-or-treat at homes where they know the inhabitants. If they know everyone on the street, except for one house, they could ask the neighbors about that one house. If a home is dark or has no Halloween decorations, that is typically a good sign that they are not up for trick-or-treaters.
  7. Don’t Go Inside
    Trick-or-treaters always seem to run across a house or two where someone invites them to “come in”. Remind your little ones that they should never go inside anybody’s home while trick-or-treating. They can easily get the candy they seek from the porch or if the homeowner is persistent, inform them to simply turn and walk away.
  8. Stay On Track
    It might be tempting to take a short cut through an alley or cut through someone’s yard, but that can sometimes pose a danger. Stay on streets and in neighborhoods that are well lit and where there are plenty of people around.
  9. Say No!
    If you’re children are old enough to trick or treat in a group without you, be sure and designate a time for their return. Teach your children that if a stranger offers to give them a ride or take them to a Halloween Party, they should say “no”.
  10. Taste-Testing Patience   Trick or treating is for gathering candy, not eating it as they receive it. Pack a goody bag with some of your own Halloween candy so your kids have something to snack on if they just can’t wait until they get home.

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