Are photo-enforced tickets legal?

Now consumers are testing the legality of photo traffic tickets with the manufacturers of the traffic cameras.

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American Traffic Solutions preps database for legal questions

Speed and red–light enforcement traffic cameras face a seemingly endless barrage of legal questions aimed at the practice of issuing tickets based on a picture.

Scottsdale-based American Traffic Solutions has built a website to let people know it’s perfectly legal, and presented whatever case law they can find to back it up.

The company, which contracts with cities and other agencies on its camera enforcement solutions, is launching an online database for all states that detail the laws on the books and the court decisions that have impacted ATS’ industry.

“There’s a tremendous amount of legal precedent in support of photo enforcement around the country,” said Charles Territo, vice president of communications for ATS.

The site,, is aimed at ATS’ customers who may be asking whether photo radar tickets are legal.

The Arizona section of the law finds that such photo traffic tickets are, in fact, legal, but there are certain steps that must be done to serve them.

The goal wasn’t necessarily to find the laws that were pro-photo enforcement, but rather to put the complete case law from various states up for customers to view, Territo said.

Photo enforcement has its share of detractors who are very vocal. In Arizona, those detractors — along with the fact that most people simply ignored their tickets — helped spell doom for a statewide program for cameras on freeways.

But as the industry has embarked on its third decade, there are instances of case law throughout the U.S., and most of it finds tickets issued do not violate any rights, Territo said.

“As the industry has grown, so have the legal analysis and the court opinions regarding it,” he said.

The Phoenix area is home to two of the biggest U.S. providers of photo enforcement: ATS and Phoenix-based Redflex. Each has, over time, sought ways to defend their approach to public safety.

In July, ATS launched an economic-benefit website showing how much a single red-light camera could save. Read more

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Photo-Enforced Tickets May NOT Always Be Legal

Watch this video about a specific speed ticket camera:

If you received a photo traffic ticket, be sure to ask your experienced traffic ticket lawyer at 305-LAW-FIRM or send us your ticket details. Any photo-enforced tickets may be disputable; your traffic attorney can find the weak point if their is one.