Allow us help you with Trusted Traffic Ticket Attorney Speeding DUI and more and save time & money.
The Traffic Ticket Office has been serving clients in Miami and South Florida with their civil and criminal Trusted Traffic Ticket Attorney Speeding DUI and more since 1993. Hundreds of thousands of cases have been handled by our experienced and reputable lawyers.
At Traffic Ticket Office, we are able to offer our clients the benefits of saving time and money, preserving their driving rights, and preventing the accumulation of points on their records. Most often, we have managed to do this without requiring a personal court appearance by the client. By opting to simply pay a traffic violation, ticket, citation, or fee, you are pleading guilty, leading to an accumulation of points on your driving record. Thus, don’t pursue such an option. Instead, know your rights and other favorable options available to you. Through the help of our Trusted Miami traffic ticket lawyers, who have the experience, reputation, and resources to represent you in your traffic violations or traffic-related criminal concerns, we can counsel you on all the options available to you.
One of the most commonly issued tickets on the highways of the State of Florida, especially in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties is for violation of the State speeding laws.
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The Traffic Ticket Office is one of Miami’s top law firms. Our lawyers handle all types of traffic ticket violations, including hit and run, reckless driving, and highway racing.
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Traffic-related cases are the specialty of the lawyers at the Traffic Ticket Office. You need a traffic ticket lawyer to fight your traffic tickets and have your case dismissed.
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Aggressive defense for different kinds of traffic violations is generally not needed. However, one would need this if they are a habitual traffic offender.