Labor Day traffic ticket?

Labor Day traffic ticket?

  Labor Day Traffic Ticket? So, did you get a traffic ticket this past Labor Day weekend?   What a drag, right?  Well, it happens during long holiday weekends, more so than on regular weekends.  We’ve been very busy taking care of our clients with Labor Day...

Traffic Ticket on Friday the 13th?

  from History.com and Wikipedia.com   Traffic Ticket on Friday the 13th… You know what’s spooky on Friday the 13th?  Getting a traffic ticket and having to go fix it on your own.  Doesn’t the thought of having to go to court to represent...

Hurricane Dorian – At a Time of Need

Hurricane Dorian Relief:  At a Time of Need… This monster storm, named Hurricane Dorian, has devastated the Bahamas.  Never has the country of the Bahamas experienced such a time.  For such a time as this, at a time of need as this, is when we all have to pull...